So if I have a celeb crush......he's definitely it! For lots of different reasons but just to name a few: he's from GA, he seems extremely down to earth, his songs are so country and remind me of home and of course he's pretty cute. :) So last night we went to see him at the Westerner in Salt Lake which is a club that holds about 1500 people. It was so much fun. He's such a great entertainer and even though I just saw him a few months ago this time was much much better cuz we were right in front of the stage!! DJ wore his Georgia Bulldogs hat and right when he came out and came over to our side he pointed at DJ and gave him a thumbs up sign, we were about to come unglued it was really exciting. DJ had some older drunk women standing behind him with their boyfriends and they were hugging DJ. I didn't know that til afterwards, but I thought it was hilarious. One of my favorite parts was when he started singing "Fishing In The Dark" by Nitty Gritty Dirt Band and then they started rocking out to it.
I'm not the most patient person in the world, but my kid(S) (wow that's weird) are helping me learn to be. My due date was July 28 and Lucas decided to come on the 29. I was supposed to have a dr. appt on Thurs morning and I was thinking I would be discussing with my dr a time to be induced. I'm so glad that Lucas decided to come before then. I'm not really sure why I was so nervous about the thought of being induced but I was. Anyhow, at 1:00 Thurs morning I started having pretty hard contractions for about 45 secs every 2-3 mins but I waited it out at home for a lil over an hr and then had DJ take me to the hospital at 2:30. I was dilated to a 3 when we got there and the nurse said they couldn't keep me unless I had dilated another centimeter in an hr. When the hr came I was almost to a 4 and she said they could either send me home with some pain medicine and if I was still having contractions then I was really in labor and if I wasn't then obviously it wasn't time yet. Or I could get up and walk around to try and get things going more. By that time, my contractions were hurting really bad. I told her there was no way I could walk through them. So she gave me a shot of morphine and phenegren and that helped me relax a ton. When they put my iv in I started having coupling contractions which was really tough b/c I would have two of em right after each other and they hurt extremely bad. I had dilated to a 5 the next hr and at 5:30 they gave me the good stuff: THE EPIDURAL. Luckily this labor went a lot better than Addie's. I only threw up once this time and my shaking wasn't nearly as bad. Then at 11:00 I was dilated to 8 cm and they gave me some pitocin and at 1:00 I started pushing and at 1:09 my lil man came!! He weighed 8 lbs 6 oz and was 20 1/2 in. He has blonde hair and looks just like his daddy. DJ did such a good job helping me through the labor. He would fan me through every contraction to help me from getting nauseated, fed me flavored ice chips, and helped me through my breathing. It was such a special experience for it to just be the two of us. As soon as Lucas arrived and after I got to hold him , the first thing I asked for was a coke and the nurse went and got one right away. :) I'm so happy he's finally here and I could just spend all day holding him and kissing those cheeks.