Friday, August 7, 2009

Heaven on Earth

One of my places of refuge is definitely a library! When DJ got home from work we all had dinner, and then I went to the library for an hour and a half until it closed. I could literally spend all day there. I love taking my time and looking through a bunch of books to find my next favorite one. It's so quiet and I can sit down and read a little preview if I like. It helps me to forget everything and jump into a different world of new characters. Ever since I've been outta school, I feel like I'm not really learning anything new any more. As I've mentioned before, I felt like I wasn't really accomplishing anything besides being Addie's mama, but I can find all kinds of books for crafts, cooking, parenting or whatever my heart desires. It makes me feel alive to know that if I wanna learn how to do something, I can pick up a book. This time by myself was so relaxing and much needed. The weekend got off to a good start!!

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