Monday, April 27, 2009

What a weekend

How fast everything can change so quickly! After all the complications that my mom has had with her foot the past 6 months, now we have some different problems to deal with. Saturday I was talking with her and she kept forgetting things. She would start a sentence and then just forget. I could tell it was super frustrating for her and it was making me really nervous but I didn't let her know that. I called Diana and asked if she would call her and see what she thought. 5 minutes later she called and said there was definitely something wrong. She called daddy and told him to get her to the er. They did some tests and to make a long story short, she has a tumor that's an inch and a half by two on the left side of her brain. That's what was causing her to forget and to start scribbling when she was trying to write. She's going up to a neurologist today at Emery hospital in Atlanta and seeing what they can do to get rid of it. I'm doing ok, just trying to process it all and figure out whether to fly home or not. If I do decide to go it'll have to be next week because if I don't walk for graduation on Friday, she'd be extremely upset. It's so hard to be here and not there to help with everything. She's my BEST friend and I feel so helpless for her. I'll keep everyone updated when I know more.

Also on Saturday DJ's stepsister Whitney had to have an emergency c-section for her baby Payton. She was two months early and weighed 3 lbs 15 oz. We went to visit them yesterday and they're both doing well. Payton is so beautiful and she's breathing on her own now. When we got to see her, she was on her tummy all curled up and making the cutest faces. I can't begin to imagine what this is like for Whitney and Craig, but my heart goes out to them.


  1. Heather, we are praying for your momma! Glad to hear baby Payton is doing alright even tho she came early. Scary weekend!

  2. Hey honey! I'll be sure to keep your family in my prayers :)

  3. Everything will work out the way it is supposed to! You know me I am always the one to tell you the Lord will do what he needs to do! I know that is not great advice and you want to hear all the good stuff but that would not be me being a true friend! I love you and I know your mom will be okay! Hang in there and don't get down, it will be super hard but you gotta keep your head up!

  4. Sorry to hear about your mom, your family will be in our thoughts and prayers!!! And tell your mom I'm thinking of her and just love her to pieces. She was always so much fun in Young Women's. I miss not seeing your parents in the old Waycross ward when I go home. --Remember to trust in the Lord in all things!!!
